
class clusterlogger.logfilter.HazelHenFilter[source]

Bases: logging.Filter

Filter for adding contextual information on Hazel Hen

Hazel Hen is the Cray XC40 system at HLRS in Stuttgart.

This filter adds information about the currently running job.


Initialize a new HazelHenFilter



__init__() Initialize a new HazelHenFilter
filter(record) Add contextual information to the log record
jobid = None

The job identifier assigned to the job by the batch system. This is the same number you see when you do qstat. -1 if logging when not running in a job.

logname = None

Value of the LOGNAME variable in the environment in which qsub was executed

jobname = None

The job name supplied by the user

queue = None

The name of the queue from which the job is executed

fqdn = None

The fully qualified domain name.

sitename = None

The site name of the cluster

platform = None

The cluster platform on the site. E.g. hazelhen.


Add contextual information to the log record

Parameters:record (logging.LogRecord) – the log record
Returns:True, if log should get sent
Return type:bool